Aromatherapy and Immune System

The body defends against infectious organismsis the immune system. Through a serie of steps called “immune response”, the immune system attacks organisms and substances that invades doby systems that cause illnesse.

The inflammation is the immune system’s response to antigens. The infection or injury response through different clases of white blood cells that are carried by the bloods ream to the infection area and request more White blood cells. When threat disappears, inflammation subsides.

The immune system is the natural defense of the body against infections, like bacteria and virus. Through and organized reaction the body attacks and destroys the infectious organisms that invade it.

For example, when a person cuts itself or has flu the inflammation is used to kill the bacteria or the virus that invades the body. As nature lovers we will address in which way the essentials oils can help us to strength the immune system.

When the immune system is weak it makes the person susceptible to pneumonia, bronchitis, skin infections and also to autoinmune diseases.

two clear glass bottles with liquids

We are going to present some essential oils that support the immune system strengthening it and we will explain why and how to use them. All these oils have in common their antiseptic, immunostimulants, antibacterials, antiviral, bronchodilator, antibiotics properties.

  • Lemon, eucaliptus, tea tree, geranium, rosemary, clovepine. They can be used to spread them in a room using a diffuser
  • Foot bath: in a recipient with hot water add sea salt or Himalayan salt and add 5 drops of each of the soils mentioned above. Put your feet in and hold them until the wáter cools.
  • Massage oil: in a carrier oil bottle (jojoba, almond, coconut, etc) for example if the capacity is of 100 ml, many times in the day add between 5 to 10 drops of each one and apply it on the chest, back and soles.

Find on the nest link one of our products specially formulated to strengthen the immune system.