Those with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right, and which they very rarely change.
We should strive to be so gentle, so quiet, so patiently helpful that we move among our fellow men more as a breath of air or a ray of sunshine: ever ready to help them when they ask: but never forcing them to our own views. [Bach]
State of Being
The strong-willed. Those who are intense of mind, who tend to over-exert themselves mentally and physically. They refuse to be beaten and will carry on long after others would have given in. They go their own way. They have fixed ideas and are very certain that they know right. They may be obstinate in refusing treatment until compelled. They may be carried away by their enthusiasm and cause themselves much strain. In all things tend to be too serious and tense. Life is a very arduous thing for them. They have their own strong views and sometimes wish to bring others to their point of view and are intolerant of the opinions of others. They do not like to listen to advice. They are often people with big ideals and ambitions for the good of humanity.