Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other.
Instability can be eradicated by the development of self-determination, by making up the mind and doing things with a definiteness instead of wavering and hovering. Even if at first we may sometimes make errors, it were better to act than to let opportunities pass for want of a decision. Determination will soon grow; fear of plunging into life will disappear, and the experiences gained will guide our mind to better judgement. [Bach]
State of Being
Those who are unable to make up their minds as to what they want, first one thing seems right and then another. Their wishes, like their bodily symptoms, seem to come and go. If they have temperatures these swing up and down. They are undetermined and unable to decide quickly or definitely, and their decisions quickly change. Uncertainty of bodily actions, giddiness, shaking, jerky uncontrolled movements, unsteady walking. Their moods change quickly, first cheery then depressed. Their conversation may rapidly jump from one subject to another.