Roll On Pain Relief


This blend of essential oils relieves pain and trauma. Made with pure essential oils of Rosmery Peppermint Lavender roman Chamomille Calendula St. Johns worth is very effective relieving pain.

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This blend of essential oils relieves pain and trauma. Made with pure essential oils of Rosmery Peppermint Lavender roman Chamomille Calendula St. Johns worth is very effective relieving pain. The topical application of essential oils is a highly efficient treatment, as the oils become directly absorbed into the bloodstream. This 10 ml roll on glass bottle fits easily into your pocket or purse, beautiful box for a gift.

This roll on is made using pure essential oils with jojoba oil as a carrier with the best manufacturing practices. The essential oils of this blend reduces inflammation which are known to reduce pain and inflammation, increase circulation, decongest the lymphatic system, and relieve joint pain .